For Your Life's Purpose


Holy Week and the College Search

Pope Pius XII in 1952 stated in a radio message, “The direction of today’s society principally is placed in the mentality and hearts of the universities of today.” The Church Fathers at Second Vatican Council in October 1965 restated it this way: “Si...

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You are considering a particular school for your higher education experience. You notice its history and something about charisms.In your journey seeking to find the “right school,” you are discovering that Catholic colleges and universities are foun...

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What is a Good Catholic College?

Recently I was asked, essentially, what is a good Catholic college? Sixty years ago the question probably would have been framed differently. It may well have been offered this way, “how does that Catholic college practice its faith tradition?”Vatica...

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Framing the Catholic Indicators

Not long ago, most American Catholic colleges and universities (CCUs) were easily identifiable by their adherence to a few first principles. They offered a liberal arts education to ensure the “cultivation of the mind” for students in their final yea...

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What is a Mandatum?

This is the season for high school seniors to make final visitations and applications for higher education. A campus visit typically exposes the senior to faculty, staff, and students all seeking to highlight the uniqueness of their school. They migh...

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Dr. Tim Collins, Seventh President of Walsh University
DR. TIM COLLINS is the seventh president of Walsh University.